Refund Policy
Due to the nature of how downloads of content are processed and the consumption of content in its electronic form occur, We uphold a no refund policy. Customers are responsible for ensuring their order is correct before purchasing the media or content from Prior to submitting Your order for processing and billing, please ensure that You do not order the same clips twice. In addition, media credit purchases are non-refundable. In the event that You are banned by Us for chargebacks, You agree that You will pay Us twenty five dollars ($25) per order fee if You wish to reimburse Us in order to reinstate Your account. This chargeback fee is in addition to the total amount of the orders.
A customer can report any purchasing questions or billing errors to {config_email}. The resolution of billing errors will be addressed in a timely manner.
For the quickest resolution, customers should give priority in resolving all disputes prior to contacting and reporting to their bank. If the issue is not resolved by, the customer has the right to seek further steps.
Cases in which fraud is suspected will be reported to the authorities immediately.
Any questions can be submitted to {config_email}